Helping to Bring Ministry and Fellowship Online

we are united in our dedication to spreading the word

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a professionally developed church website?

 Web sites have developed considerably in the last few years with the result that the more professional a site appears, the more people are likely to take notice of it. If a website is not well presented and professional in its appearance, people will log off the site after only a few seconds. First impressions are very important with websites as with many other things in life. A church website is very much the online “shop window” to your church. A wise shop owner knows the value of professional window design and in the same way a church will see the benefits of a professionally designed website.

As website designs and trends change and develop with time, it is essential to keep it up to date and this is the professional website designer’s main function: to predict change and adapt to the expectations of the target audience. This of course does not mean the church loses control of the site or input. There will still be plenty for the church to do in updating the content of the site. Once the site is up and running, our role as professional web developers moves from a web development to an advisory and consultative role. We will continue to help you develop a website that is fresh, professional and relevant to the developing ‘needs’ of online users.

What are the benefits of your service?

We have the experience, knowledge and skills in developing professional websites for international businesses and organisations. We combine this with our experience in communications and our Christian beliefs and values to offer one of the most advanced  church website design services in the UK. Our team can support you and your church develop the best church website for your needs.

Can you redevelop existing church websites?

Yes. We can perform a free professional review and analysis of your existing website and provide you with a report of our findings. This will evaluate your sites strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. From the SWOT analysis we can advise you on the changes that would make the most impact to your website and help support a rebuild of your site.

How can a church website encourage people to visit my church?

Relevant content, quality presentation and a true and clear depiction of your church ministry and life. As statistical research has shown us, many more people are now using the internet for spiritual purposes. Helping people to engage with your church online will encourage more people to visit your church, contact clergy and ultimately share in the fellowship and ministry of your church. 

How much will a professional church website cost?

One of THE most frequently asked questions. And rightly so. We understand and appreciate the financial constraints that many churches face today. The Church Website Design Project was designed to provide support to churches, no matter what your size or bank balance. To that end, all of our website design packages offered to church groups are more than 60% lower than the commercial rates offered through our parent company, Cortina Web Solutions. Cost will depend on the size of site you require. Review the range of services and features that can be included as part of your site and this will give you an indication of the number of pages you may require. For an exact quote, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

What experience do you have to support church website development?

The Church Website Design Project is run in partnership with Pathmaker, a professional online solutions company that provide a full range of internet based services to businesses throughout Europe. They bring a range of skills and experiences from backgrounds in Retail and Operations Management. As a team we spend a great deal of time researching ways in which the internet can be used as a positive form of communication for the Church which in turn allows us to provide objective and practical advice based on our research and experience. No other website development company in the UK can match our team’s experience, commitment and passion for developing church websites.

How much will your advice and telephone consultations cost?

It will cost you nothing; our advice and telephone consultations are FREE. Approximately 75% of our work is offered FREE to churches and religious groups. This ensures that we are able to support as many church communities and groups as possible, alleviating you from the financial burden that would otherwise be associated with the same level of professional support and consultation.

How do you make sure we receive visitors to our church website?

We have experience in online search engine marketing and optimisation. Our Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing services are included FREE OF CHARGE to all church and community based websites. We will spend time listing your website with over 3,000 search engines and over 300 major search directories throughout the world. We will submit your website to a number of specialist search directories, forums and interest group websites. We will develop a link campaign whereby we petition thousands of targeted religious websites to add your website’s website link to their homepage or website. We will undertake a Search Engine Optimisation Plan that will target keywords so that when someone searches for that particular keyword, such as the name of your parish church, your website will be the first to be listed on all the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. This service is provided FREE and is offered commercially at £1,600 per year.

How long does it take to develop a church website?

A church website can be designed and launched within a matter of days, providing all the content and graphics has been provided by you and your church team. In reality, many churches require our help in a number of areas and there is a process of consultation that can take a matter of days or even weeks, depending on the working arrangements within your parish or church. Most recently, in the case of a Deanery website, it took over 3 months to develop. However, a single church website is undergoing developing and has thus far taken just under 3 months to get to the design stage. We do not put pressure on you to meet deadlines and understand that you do not have all the time in the world to develop a web project, which is why we take the strain from you and provide the support and guidance to develop a professional and modern church website.